“Uzbekistan – 2030” strategy was widely discussed for the first time with the participation of future diplomats
“Uzbekistan – 2030” strategy was widely discussed for the first time with the participation of future diplomats

On August 9 of this year, a roundtable dedicated to the discussion of measures to implement the “Uzbekistan – 2030” strategy in 2023 “For a new life, for a new Uzbekistan!” was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy Sodyq Safoev, Executive Director of the “Development Strategy” Center Eldor Tulyakov, Deputy Director of the Youth Affairs Agency Dilnozakhon Kattakhanova, Chairman of the Youth Parliament under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis Shakhnoza Joldasova, the head of the youth work department of the committee of the Political Council of UzLiDeP Otabek Sobitov, and others took part.
The discussion focused on the structure and goals of the “Uzbekistan-2030” strategy, which defines the main directions of development of our country in the next 7 years. The participants highlighted the youth-related parts of the strategy.