UWED graduates were awarded diplomas
UWED graduates were awarded diplomas

On July 23 of this year, a solemn diploma awarding ceremony for graduates of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy took place at the Palace of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan.
Opening the event, the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis and Rector of UWED, Sodyq Safoev, emphasized the most important achievements of the graduates and wished them success in their future careers.
"The university is rightfully proud of its graduates and believes that they will make a worthy contribution to the further prosperity of Uzbekistan," said S.Safoev.
He also noted that the completion of their studies at the university and the receipt of diplomas is largely due to the efforts of their parents, who have always been there for them.
"We will share pride in your future successes together with them. The doors of the university will always be open for you," emphasized the rector.
The First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Bakhramjon Aloev, addressing the future diplomats, noted that they will need to constantly work on themselves, strive to enhance their knowledge, gain experience and qualifications, and implement innovative methods of work.
Video messages of congratulations and advice to the young colleagues were sent by the heads of diplomatic missions of our country abroad. The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors of foreign states who attended the ceremonial event expressed their wishes to the graduates of UWED. Among them were: the Ambassador of France, Aurélie Bouchez; the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Won Do-Young; the Ambassador of the USA, Jonathan Henick; the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China, Yu Jun; the Ambassador of Italy, Agostino Pinna, and others.
Former students and their parents expressed gratitude to the faculty and teaching staff of UWED for their tireless and noble work. They unanimously agreed that the years spent studying at the university, which became an important stage in the lives of the young people, will forever remain in their memories.
At the end of the speeches, representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UWED presented diplomas and certificates to the graduates.
The solemn event concluded with a colorful concert performance.